The Wave Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Now your first action as a team will be to actively recruit new members. To become a member of The Wave, each new student must demonstrate knowledge of our rules and pledge strict obedience to them." (8.45)

And yet again, Ben is taking another dangerous step. Notice how he introduces this recruitment goal just after he busts out the identity cards. How do these two things go hand in hand?

Quote #8

"[…] I want you all to do something. Since we have a few days before the paper has to come out. Try to find out everything you can about what kids think of The Wave." (9.48)

Laurie stays true to her identity as a journalist: she remains unbiased and just tries to find out the truth.

Quote #9

"So can I do it," Robert asked. "I know you need a bodyguard. I could do it, Mr. Ross." (11.27)

Ben and Robert both undergo drastic changes in identity during this experiment-gone-wrong. Here we see it in action: in a split second, Ben becomes someone that needs to be protected, and Robert becomes a bodyguard. Easy as pie. (Can you see why things were able to spiral out of control so quickly?)