The Wave Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Then he got mad. He said pretty soon people in The Wave wouldn't want to be friends with people who weren't in it. He even said I'd lose all my friends if I didn't join. (11.10)

This is a passage from the anonymous letter Laurie gets at the school newspaper office. This kid is (justifiably) concerned because of the imbalance of power between Wave members and non-Wave members. Why do you think this student wrote the letter anonymously?

Quote #8

Somewhere in his mind he knew that by agreeing to let Robert be his bodyguard, he was also agreeing to be a person who required a body guard. (11.29)

By coming up with the body guard idea and putting it into action, Robert makes Ben look more powerful. But Ben's not the only one gaining power here: Robert is obviously interested in making himself more powerful, too. He wants to have a position of authority in The Wave and so he creates one for himself. Pretty clever, actually.

Quote #9

"I know what they're saying about me. That I'm crazy with power..." (15.8)

Ben does get caught up in things, but luckily he never quite goes crazy with his power. All he really wants is to teach some history.