Where the Red Fern Grows Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Aw, he'll be all right," Papa said. "Besides, he's getting to be a good-sized man now." "Man!" Mama exclaimed. "Why, he's still just a little boy." (8.19-20)

So Billy's dad might be treating him like a man, but clearly his mom isn't ready to make that leap. Ugh, MOMS, right? Sure, maybe she really did baby him—but it seems like part of this is Billy needing to define his own masculinity as being different from the way women act.

Quote #5

Bending over, she started kissing me. I finally squirmed away from her, feeling as wet as a dirt dauber's nest. My mother never could kiss me like a fellow should be kissed. (11.87)

So a little context: a dirt dauber is a nasty little wasp that builds mud nests. This gives you an idea of how much Billy doesn't like being kissed by his mom.

Quote #6

My head swelled up as big as a number-four washtub. I thought, "I'm not only big enough to help Papa with the farm. Now I'm big enough to drink coffee." (15.26)

Wahoo! Adulthood is getting to drink bitter, black liquid, just like a man. (Hey, you'll pry our coffee from our cold, dead, very adult hands.)