Where Things Come Back Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Upon his return home and after hearing of his conversation with Reverend Hughes, Benton's father chose to stop acknowledging his son altogether. As if this wasn't bad enough, Benton was nearly shunned by his entire family, who, save for the occasional "How are you?" or "Could you pass the salt?" seemed oblivious to his very existence. (6.35) 

Wow, that's a pretty cold reception. Instead of supporting Benton in his time of need, his family pretty much turns their backs on him. No wonder he ends up killing himself; it's not like anyone is there to tell him that it's all going to be okay. 

Quote #5

My least favorite thing about that summer was the way in which strangers looked at me in stores, restaurants, and places like that. I would walk by them and enter a room and suddenly, as if they had practiced and been waiting to do so, people would lean their heads down or turn to someone next to them and begin to whisper… (11.32) 

People probably think that they're being nice to Cullen and his family by offering them food and free stuff, but Cullen would prefer that they just look at him normally again. 

Quote #6

Before Lucas Cader moved to Lily and became my friend, I spent most of my time either with my brother or completely alone. (13.46) 

It's a good thing Lucas came around and befriended the Witter brothers, huh? They didn't really have a busy social calendar before that, and it would have been really rough for Cullen to go through Gabriel's disappearance without any friends to support him.