Where Things Come Back Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Sarah, Ms. Kline is a spiritual guide," my father began.

"Oh please," my mother butted in.

"Mom," I whispered, nudging her arm.

"Ms. Kline has agreed to help us, so let's all be supportive of her while she asks us a few things, okay?" My dad's voice remained calm and steadfast. (11.36-39) 

It's not like Cullen's family was ever super into religion, but they're willing to try anything now that Gabriel is missing. They'll take any help they can get if it means that they can reach him. 

Quote #5

"Just think. If Gabriel hadn't stopped them, humans could be so much smarter now. We'd know how to stop wars, how to cure diseases and all that s***." Cabot flipped through the Bible resting on his chest as he lay in bed. (12.21) 

Cabot's really taken the Book of Enoch to heart. In it, he finds a lot of ideas that resonate with him, especially as he navigates his loneliness and confusion after his roommate's suicide. 

Quote #6

This had not been the first time Cabot had blamed God for the loss of his child. In fact, he had begun to write down lists of all the world's evils, as if he were building up an army of words to fight some heavenly battle. (16.8) 

If Cabot was a religious fanatic before he married Alma, then he became even more serious about it after her miscarriage and their subsequent divorce. After all, who else does he have to blame? He's certainly not going to blame himself.