Where Things Come Back Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

In his eyes, Cabot Searcy had perhaps rushed into this marriage, but did not regret it for one single moment. Alma Ember was beginning to doubt every single decision she'd ever made. (16.1) 

Well, Alma Ember and her new husband, Cabot Searcy, are definitely not on the same page. In fact, Alma doesn't even know if she wants to be married to him anymore. Maybe this isn't what she thought it was. 

Quote #8

"I want you to know that it's gonna be okay, Cullen."


"School'll start soon, and one day you're gonna come home and Gabe's gonna be sittin' right here on the floor listening to this song." (17.81) 

Everyone else is losing hope, but Cullen's mom seems to hold onto the belief that one of these days, everything will right itself. Gabriel will just show up as though he was only gone for a few hours. 

Quote #9

"Cullen, you're just in love with the idea of us being together and the idea of this working. It's not me, I promise."

"It's not you," I repeated back, a blank look on my face. (17.96-97) 

All this time, Cullen has been convinced that he's madly in love with Ada Taylor. But she recognizes his blind adoration for what it is: a boy idealizing a girl he doesn't even know.  None of this clicks until she says it to his face.