Woman on the Edge of Time Themes

Woman on the Edge of Time Themes


Connie is unlucky in love. Like really unlucky in love. As in, multiple loves of her life are violently killed and everyone she cares about (her daughter, her niece) is taken from her. In order to...


Connie has an invisible friend and believes she travels to the future. She may be mentally ill. But Woman on the Edge of Time is less interested in telling you whether or not she's ill than it is i...

Morality and Ethics

Utopias are always about morality; they imagine what the world would be like if it were more moral and ethical (and maybe had awesome flying cars). Mattapoisett is more moral because there's little...


Woman on the Edge of Time is not a fan of modern-day science. Scientists in the novel mostly seem to want to experiment on people and put implants in their brains. On the other hand, Mattapoisett i...

Society and Class

Mattapoisett is a future society without class. Nobody is above anybody else; nobody is more important than anybody else. The elimination of class in Woman On the Edge of Time is presented as creat...


You can tell "time" is an important theme because it's right there in the title Woman on the Edge of Time. And of course there's the whole part of the book where Connie keeps traveling to the futur...


You might think that a perfect future wouldn't have a war, but nope, Mattapoisett's got one. The Mattapoisettians are still fighting the remnants of rich, nasty people. And because of that war, Con...

Women and Femininity

Connie is treated like dirt by everybody in part because she's poor, in part because she's Hispanic, and in part because she's been mentally ill. But she's also treated like trash by everybody beca...