You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down.

Women Quotes

Even the distraction caused by the birth of her child was a price she was, ultimately, prepared to pay. She did not intend to have a second one, after all—that would be too stupid—and this one...

Sexuality Quotes

She had never been particularly passionate with him, not even during the early years of their marriage; it was more a matter of being sexually comfortable. After the birth of the child she simply n...

Love Quotes

[…] I would just think of how different his son Bubba was from his daddy! Do you understand what I'm saying. I thought he loved me. That meant something to me. What did I know about "equal rights...

Manipulation Quotes

They want what you got but they don't want you. They want what I got only it ain't mine. That's what makes 'em so hungry for me when I sing. They getting the flavor of something but they ain't gett...

Violence Quotes

The place stunk, especially in the summer. And children were always screaming and men were always cussing and women were always yelling about something…It was nothing for a girl or woman to be ra...

Identity Quotes

Well, Lord have mercy, I said, listening to him. If I'da closed my eyes, it could have been me. He had followed every turning of my voice, side streets, avenues, red lights, train crossings and all...

Truth Quotes

They want what you got but they don't want you. They want what I got only it ain't mine. That's what makes 'em so hungry for me when I sing. They getting the flavor of something but they ain't gett...

Injustice Quotes

The place stunk, especially in the summer. And children were always screaming and men were always cussing and women were always yelling about something…It was nothing for a girl or woman to be ra...

Dissatisfaction Quotes

I've sung it and sung it, and I'm making forty thousand dollars a day offa it, and you know what, I don't have the faintest notion what the song means. (Nineteen Fifty-Five.41)

Race Quotes

I don't know why, but the boy seemed to need some encouraging. And I don't know, seem like one way or another you talk to rich white folks and you end up reassuring them. But what the hell, by now...