TEKS: Chapter 111. Mathematics See All Teacher Resources


(4) Group decision making. The student uses mathematical processes to apply decision-making schemes. The student analyzes the effects of multiple types of weighted voting and applies multiple voting concepts to real-world situations. The student is expected to:

  • (A) describe the concept of a preference schedule and how to use it;
  • (B) explain how particular decision-making schemes work;
  • (C) determine the outcome for various voting methods, given the voters' preferences;
  • (D) explain how different voting schemes or the order of voting can lead to different results;
  • (E) describe the impact of various strategies on the results of the decision-making process;
  • (F) explain the impact of Arrow's Impossibility Theorem;
  • (G) relate the meaning of approval voting;
  • (H) explain the need for weighted voting and how it works;
  • (I) identify voting concepts such as Borda count, Condorcet winner, dummy voter, and coalition; and
  • (J) compute the Banzhaf power index and explain its significance.