The College of William and Mary

Hallmarks and Quirks

Things I'm Good At:

  • Grooming political figures. Not only did three of our nation's first ten presidents attend, but many of my graduates go on to be justices, governors, mayors, or even fan club presidents.
  • Business—there's a reason so many people want to major in it.
  • Track. When you're as smart as I am, sometimes it can get you into trouble, so you learn how to run. Fast.
  • Philanthropy is kinda my thang. Some of my Greek organizations have raised millions for various charities in the past few years alone.

My Top 5 Must-Haves:

  1. A bike. If you're not riding one to your next class, you're likely dodging one on the paths.
  2. A beach towel, a good book, and an iPod. Altogether. The Sunken Gardens are the best place to catch some rays while studying. Or napping. Your choice.
  3. Highlighters and a good computer because, well, duh. (No, not for drawing on your screen...what's wrong with you?)
  4. A quirky sense of fun. I might not have a bunch of bars or clubs, but I expect every student to at least try to complete my legendary Triathlon.
  5. Rain boots. It is Virginia after all, and in the spring you might have to traverse some pond-like puddles.

Why You Might Have Heard of Me:

  • I'm one of only eight "public Ivy" schools in the nation, which means that I give one heck of an education without the Ivy League price tag. It's why I earned the sexy nickname "The Harvard of the South."
  • Every year, I'm featured pretty favorably in many of the "Best of" lists, like the Princeton Review, Forbes, and U.S. News and World Report.
  • I was the first college in the United States to establish graduate programs in law and medicine.

On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...

Williamsburg might seem small and sleepy, but there's always something fun going down on the weekends. I might be at one of the college's three bars, which are called "Deli's" because of an antiquated liquor law. 

  • You've got the College, which is frequented by people who like cheap beer
  • Paul's, which has hands down the best cheese fries and caters to more of the jock crowd
  • the Green Leafe, a classy joint that has four dollar martini Thursdays and is frequented mostly by upperclassmen.
  • There's always a party to be found at the Frats on a Saturday, but they're getting more exclusive due to the college really cracking down on underage drinking.
  • If I'm feeling more mellow I might just sip a cup o' coffee at the Daily Grind, a small coffee shop right by the Student Center.
  • Or maybe I'll catch up with some foodie friends at one of the amazing restaurants that keep popping up over in CDubs (our affectionate name for Colonial Williamsburg).

Favorite Hangouts:

  • The Deli's
  • The Frats
  • The Daily Grind
  • The UC (University Center)
  • The Sunken Gardens
  • Swem Library—yes, I hang out at the library. Everyone else does.
  • Jamestown Beach. It's a river, but there's water and sand, so what more do you need? Here's an insider secret: If you go at the right time in the early or late summer, there are luminescent jellyfish. Makes nighttime skinny-dipping even more illuminating (Ba-dum-tsh).


  • Since I'm technically a public university, I make a big deal out of whether you're coming from in-state or out-of-state. If you live in Virginia, then you're going to pay almost half of what those suckers from New Jersey will have to shell out.
  • It's a well-known fact that students here are kind of nerdy, but in a good way. There's even a name for the people who openly embrace their inner geek: TWAMPs (Typical William And Mary People). It might mean you wear a cape to class, or it might mean that the party girl dancing on tables has straight A's in rocket science. Just get down with your bad self.

Famous Alumni:

  • As I mentioned, presidents went here. John Tyler, James Monroe and some guy named Jefferson.
  • So there's this little program called the Daily Show, hosted by Jon Stewart. Yup, he perfected his brand of political comedy while tossing back a few at the College Deli.
  • Before Glen Close played Cruella Deville, she went to William and Mary.
  • Last but not least, the adorkable Patton Oswalt.