Wake Forest University

About Me


Yes, I'm a small pond, but make no mistake…I'm home to a lot of big fish. When the sorority girls and the football jocks make straight A's in Advanced Organic Chemistry, you know competition is tight.

Although, that could be why we're not doing so well on the football field…

Even though I'm highly intellectual, it doesn't mean I don't work hard for it. There's a reason my students make a second home out of the ZSR, my always-open library. After all, you've got to work hard to stand out when you're small, and I'm known to make waves in all sorts of fields.

My medical program, for example, provides some of the finest primary care in the nation, and my business school is ranked first in academic quality.

Despite my achievements, I try to stay humble. Ask me if I studied for that upcoming physics midterm and you'll get a laugh and a joke about how lazy I am…despite the fact that I started studying two weeks ago.

All this talk about work makes it sound like I don't party. I've got a grand assortment of frat houses to blow off that built-up study steam.


Demon Deacon


Winston-Salem, your number one hipster art scene.



Body Type

I'm lean and mean with only 4,746 undergrad students on my slim campus (340 acres). No, I don't run track, but thanks for asking. I know, my calves are amazing.

Get ready to see a lot of familiar faces, because you'll be passing them on a daily basis. It's nice when you get to walk by that one cutie every day at noon on the dot, but it's not so nice when you have to face the kid you sneezed on in chem class…day after day.

Get over it, Cody. It's allergy season.

Current Living Situation

Freshman dorms are…well, the generous term would be "rustic." In truth, they are mostly old and small, but that's the case with most of us mature schools. I do have a couple newer dorms which are randomly assigned. Probably to foster jealousy.

Delightfully evil, I know. I bet my mascot suddenly makes sense to you now.

For freshmen, South Hall is the Hilton of dorms. For upperclassmen, Magnolia and Dogwood. Luxury does come at a cost, though: the walk to class can be brutal.

Relationship Status

Duke is constantly overshadowing me, but I'm only moderately resentful.

What people don't know is that most students who go to me have also been accepted to Duke. It's just that I'm better: small class sizes, professors who want to know you, and glorious financial aid.


While many people don't talk about or practice a specific sort of religion here, I host Catholic mass and a Baptist service.


While most students are on the liberal end of things, you'll also find a fair amount of people confident enough to advertise Mitt Romney stickers on their laptops.

You should apply to me if...

you're looking for the power of an Ivy league packed into one cozy, cute campus.

