
To the fish of the seas, your power is as large as the ocean and almost as deep. With the temptation of your bait and grasp of your hooks, cages, and nets, your might is unmatched by those lower on the food chain. The aquatic animals that know your name dare not speak it for fear that it will beckon you closer. To them, you are the unchallenged King or Queen of the ocean.

Enjoy the power trip, because that's about the end of it.

On the sea, your power extends only as far as Mother Nature will allow it. Thunderstorms, killer waves, and gale-force winds will make all that power you feel on the open water disappear in a hurry. On the boat, there's a hierarchy: if you're ship captain, all the decisions are up to you, while the lowly deckhand doesn't even get to decide when they go to sleep. 

Meanwhile on land, you have to contend with a low income, a constant and overpowering smell coming off of you, and possibly a family that is going to expect every single land-bound second you have until you're back out to sea.

There are also a few animals out there that heard your claim to the top of the food chain, and they would beg to differ. Shark Week may be a great time to be sitting on a couch watching television, but it's not really how you want to refer to the last week of your life.