Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In

Breaking in is the trickiest part here. Between all the different whatsits and hoodads you have to take care of to start up a successful niche food thingymajigger, there are a lot of metaphorical puddles you can step in on the way. That's okay—as long as you make it to the party eventually, nobody's going to care that your pants are wet. Everybody's pants are wet. Just leave your rookie rubber boots at the door.

"Please help my business, I'm starving over here!" (Source)

First things first: You have to create a product that people not only enjoy enough to munch on, but that also gets them excited. Hype is the name of the game. You need people talking about your product. Next, you have to be sure that your snack is unique. There's no room for direct competition in this field—don't go crawling into someone else's niche, carve out your own.

Lastly, you need to have the ice cold business sense to get your company going, and keep it growing. Getting started takes contacts, and making contacts takes charisma, so don't forget that charming smile of yours.