20-Year Prospect

20-Year Prospect

We said it before and we'll say it again—as the global food crisis looks like a bigger and bigger threat, there will be more and more opportunities for food researchers and regulators to make their contributions to the field.

From agricultural issues with climate change, to logistical issues of keeping animal products in line with consumers' ethical and quality standards, to new innovations with farming, genetic modification, and forms of processing, there are a million things going on in food science.

The most important thing? Find your niche, study hard, and cultivate your ability to make unique contributions—there will be plenty of work to do to keep our planet's food supply hunky-dory in the coming decades as we look towards the future. 

Stay on top of the literature to make sure you aren't spending all your time working on something that's already been done, and keep an eye out for work that others are doing that inspires you. There's always something new to be done.