
How would you feel if you knew the world as we know it was in grave danger?

Well, food scientists walk around with that knowledge on their shoulders every day. Some take on bigger roles than others in the fight for global food security, but the very awareness of our situation is enough to put a person in the pressure to speak.

We don't see what the fuss is about. He's had all his shots. (Source)

The facts of the food struggle as a whole are something any food science major will learn. So unless you slept through like twenty classes or you've got a nice case of selective amnesia, you'll have to come to terms with what's at stake. Mmm...steak.

Looking at food science as a whole, regardless of specialization, the lifestyle tends to be pretty, erm, middle class. Statistically speaking, the middle class has suffered in recent years, but the job outlook for food scientists is solid. Anyone in the field can expect to feel pretty comfortable. 

The only-somewhat-terrifying issues of the global food system as affected by population growth and climate change can seem scary...but it just means that there will certainly be plenty of work for food scientists to do.

Of course, work is work, and then there's life. A middle-wage salary with benefits means vacations, weekends, and a nice porch or back yard to grill up those kale-based veggie burgers you invented. Heck, you might even be too busy happily carrying on about your food waste prevention program to notice your guests spitting your burgers off the balcony. How ironic.