Physical Danger

Physical Danger

You're a food scientist, not a food taster for the king of Wales.

Although there are your standard risk factors, this job is more about keeping others out of harm's way than keeping yourself out of danger. Sure, if you're traveling abroad, you'll want to get all your shots, and take caution when around dangerous chemicals or heavy machinery in the lab or factory...but you're more worried about keeping them from getting into the food.

You're also at risk for a sort of Man-Who-Knew-Too-Much Syndrome, which could lead to some serious Nervous-Nellie-Tosis. Face it, if your job demands you be aware of every microbe and virus that can be carried by food, you're going to have to monitor yourself very closely during picnic conversations. Miss Caruthers might take offense if you start rattling off the various ways her egg salad could kill you.

Besides that, there's no danger outside of the norm. You'll interact with a lot of different people, so you'll have to take the usual precautions to avoid getting sick, and make sure to keep in shape with some physical activity and, naturally, a good diet (but we shouldn't have to remind you of that one.)