Physical Danger

Physical Danger

Considering you’re going 190 MPH in circles, in a souped-up version of your mom’s Toyota Camry with people crashing into you more than kids on a carnival bumper car ride, you have to be rather crazy to do this.

Even if you’re the best driver in the world, you’d better have lots of dough saved up, because your life insurance premiums are gonna be through the roof as your odds of dying on the track are high, very high.

Not only will you have to worry about your car exploding or crashing into the wall and falling apart like a scene in Lego Star Wars, you’ll have drivers actually gunning for you as if this were racing in Mad Max’s Thunderdome.

Ask any gambler they’ll tell you, even if the sun is shining and you’re top dog, your luck inevitably will run out. The risks are very high that you and your car will crash and ignite faster than it takes your old uncle, Dave to fire up the BBQ; not to mention what happens if you merely stall on the track and try to get out – just ask Tony Stewart.