Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Junior Neurologist, Salary: $170,000

You've landed a position as a junior neurologist at a hospital way out in Nowhere, Arkansas. It's not ideal, but you'll take it. You're not settling in well, though. First week in Nowhere, and you've already been reprimanded for being late to a patient. Who knew life in Arkansas could be so fast-paced?


Beginner Neurologist in a big hospital, Salary: $200,000 

You lost your first patient. Even your doctor friends couldn't have prepared you for what you're feeling…later that day, though, a recovering patient hugged you. Now you remember why you love your job.


Established Neurologist, Salary: $230,000 

You've established yourself in the industry, and published some of your research in journals. When you tell fellow neurologists your name, sometimes they recognize you. (Mostly they don't.)


Senior Neurologist, Salary, $270,000 

You've become a senior neurologist, which means a higher paycheck for you. Time to get that new flat screen you've had your eye on...and now that you have ten interns working under you, you might actually have time to watch it.


Neurological Knight, Salary: $300,000+ 

After discovering an obscure neurological disorder, it's now been named after you. Better yet, you've actually had documented success in curing it. Take that, Alois Alzheimer.