

Just as there are many job titles and levels within the telecommunications industry, there are a number of ways to get the education needed to qualify. Need a job fast? Some high schools offer telecommunications training (source) and a diploma qualifying you for an entry-level telecommunications job. In addition, most junior colleges offer a diploma or certificate you can earn in six months.

Junior colleges also offer two-year Associate of Applied Science degrees in their technical divisions which allow you to focus on learning the main tasks telecommunications workers perform.

Want to climb higher? A four-year degree program in computer engineering or information technology, along with a few years' experience, qualifies you for the big time. Great management skills are cultivated over time, but paying your dues pays off. A degree plus solid experience equals above average earnings and a ticket to financial security for your future. That sounds pretty good, right?

The really great thing about the advancements made in technology? It provides lots of options for getting the education you need and help finding the job you want. Three cheers for smart cookies everywhere.