
It's like x-ray vision...without the actual superpower. (Source)

Ultrasound technicians are responsible for catching diseases before they become problems. Whether it's making sure a baby is developing safely or taking pictures of a patient's heart, you have the ability to see what "normal" doctors can't. You have the X-ray vision that helps doctors save lives..which means you are saving lives. Early detection—which can prevent complications later on and help ensure that patients are able to overcome whatever they're going through—is a huge part of an ultrasound technician's job.

Your glory will come from the happiness of your patients. You'll be the person who will tell the excited couple about their baby. You'll be the person telling a family that their dad's cancer looks like it's gone into remission. You're the bearer of good news (and bad), and no matter what, your patients depend on you to continue living a healthy and happy life. What could be better?