Only YOU Can Help Minimize Traffic Congestion!

Only YOU Can Help Minimize Traffic Congestion!

It feels like an awful lot of power, doesn’t it? Use it only for good.

There are a number of things you can do to play a part in easing traffic congestion. Avoid falling into any of the following nasty habits:

  1. Rubbernecking. This involves slowing down to look at an accident or anything else you may find interesting on the side of the road. Or doing your Jim Carrey impression. It’s not as spot-on as you’d like to think.
  2. Tailgating. The vehicle ahead of you still loves you; it just needs some space.
  3. Weaving in and out of traffic. Please only change lanes when necessary; the streets are not your playground. Just imagine if they were—what a disappointment that would be. No monkey bars or nuthin’.
  4. Falling victim to distractions. Many accidents are caused by drivers who are eating in their cars, putting on their makeup, talking on their cell phones, texting their friends, painting landscapes, etc. Keep your hands on the road, your hands on the wheel, and your fries in the bag.
  5. Driving a poorly maintained vehicle. If you are driving a car that requires servicing or is malfunctioning in any potentially dangerous way, you are endangering the lives of others on the road. Get fixed what needs to get fixed, even if it means listening to (and trusting) a certified mechanic. We know it’s painful, but suck it up.