Pedestrian Responsibilities

Pedestrian Responsibilities

What? Walking is a responsibility now, too?! You’ve got to be kidding me.

Do we look like we’re kidding you? This is our serious face. No, seriously, you need to be aware of traffic conditions even when you’re out strutting your stuff on your little footsies. There are some crazy drivers out there, and most of them think that you were put here on this Earth for no other reason than to get in their way. Just because that “WALK” light is lit up doesn’t mean that Speedy McGee over there isn’t making up his own rules as he goes along.

If you’re in an area without clear pedestrian signals, make sure to let vehicles go on ahead. After all, if you were really in that much of a rush, you’d be in a car yourself.

Just to be on the safe side, you should never go walking at night in black clothing. That’s the same color as the night, dummy. Instead, wear light or reflective clothing, carry a flashlight, or grab a hunk of glowing, radioactive material before you leave the house. Then you should be pretty safe.