
Example 1

According to Baker, carving a jack-o'-lantern with a machete is a complicated procedure that requires precision and planning: "The bigger the pumpkin, the better. A machete can be a difficult tool to maneuver… so a larger surface area for cutting is a convenience."

In this example, the ellipsis tells the reader that nonessential information was omitted between maneuver and so.

Example 2

Davis warns that, "eating gravel and other rock particles… can lead to a plethora of maladies, such as nausea, an inflamed esophagus, and driveway breath."

Here, the ellipsis indicates that the writer intentionally left out material from Davis after the word particles and before the word can.

Example 3

I don't know, guys… maybe we shouldn't play Hide 'n' Seek in this abandoned amusement park.

In this example, the speaker is expressing hesitation that seems justified to anyone who's ever seen an episode of Scooby Doo.