Odds of Getting In

Odds of Getting In


Average dive score: 0–2. Degree of difficulty: 1.2. GPA: 2.0. 

You haven't even mastered the forward dive, bro. You're also afraid of heights, you have the study habits of John "Bluto" Blutarsky from Animal House, and the only time the word "graceful" is in the same sentence as your name is when it's after "not." Maybe try a musical instrument.


Average dive score: 2.5–4.5. Degree of difficulty: 1.5–2.0. GPA: 2.5. 

Eh, still not quite there. Your mom, dad, and younger sister always come and cheer for you at your meets, so that's nice. But you can't bring them to college—that is, if you even get in. We'd say intramurals or the club team is more your destiny.


Average dive score: 5–6.5. Degree of difficulty: 1.5–1.7. GPA: 4.0. 

You love diving, but you're not in love with diving—at least not enough to put more effort into learning harder dives or perfecting the easier ones. On the bright side, your GPA is pretty good and you have a much better shot at med school.


Average dive score: 7–8. Degree of difficulty: 2.5–3.0. GPA: 2.5–3.0. 

The skills are all there, but they need some fine-tuning. You place in almost all of your meets, but not always at the top of the podium. Nothing some extra hours at the pool can't fix. Your GPA, though…you're just barely scraping by. You can either try to stand out in Division II or be mediocre on the Division-I team.


Average dive score: 8.5–10. Degree of difficulty: 3.0–3.5. GPA: 3.5. 

There's no such thing as a sure thing, but between excellent grades and a stellar athletic career, the world of collegiate diving's your oyster. Competing on all those different teams and making the state championships definitely didn't go unnoticed. How do you do it?