Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On


Average shooting score: 7, GPA: 2.1

Coach is starting to question why she ever let you on the team. Ouch. You showed potential at first, but you haven't improved since then. Seriously, an average score of 7 is rough. Also, you're not that good at the whole "school" thing either. Maybe try out for a laser tag league?


Average shooting score: 9, GPA: 2.5

Your average shooting score is…just okay. It's enough to keep you off Coach's radar (for now) seeing as you're not at a top shooting school. Staying on top of rifle is easy for you, but Dragon Ball Z was just added on Netflix and…well, your grades are slipping as a result.


Average shooting score: 10, GPA: 3.5

Your scores and GPA are solid all-around, but you find yourself daydreaming about what life was like before rifle—you know, back when you had time and could be completely carefree. Needless to say, you're starting to lose interest. Hmm. To shoot or not to shoot?


Average shooting score: 10.3, GPA: 3.5

You're doing pretty well. Your scores are on the high end and your GPA is looking good. You can totally keep this up for all four years of college...but you're really interested in what Chile's like this time of year. Study abroad, perhaps?


Average shooting score: 10.8, GPA: 3.8

What's your secret? Black magic? It's black magic, isn't it? Well, whatever it is, you have the whole student-athlete life down pat. We don't even know what to say. We're impressed.