Tools Of The Trade

Tools Of The Trade

Ball. You're going to want to practice on your own time, so you're definitely going to need a ball. Besides, it's a great conversation starter. "What kind of ball is that?" J. Average Ignoramus asks. "It's a rugby ball," you reply sagely. "Let me educate you on the glories of this sport."

Cleats. To help you get a grip…on the grass.

Mouth guard. You really, really want a mouth guard, even for low-key practices. Safety first. Get your dentist to make a mold of your teeth so that your mouth guard will be properly fitted.

Water bottle. Dehydration is for straight-up fools.

Nerves of steel. So you don't start shaking in your cleats when the big game rolls around and you find yourself staring down a line of intimidating, muscular women.

All Blacks poster. Or an Eagles poster. Or maybe a Springboks poster. Whichever team inspires you to do your best all day, every day. Put it up on your wall and feel the motivation.