Duty Quotes in A Clash of Kings

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Narrator.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The light was already fading in Qhorin's eyes. "… sharp," he said, lifting his maimed fingers. Then his hand fell, and he was gone.

He knew, [Jon] thought numbly. He knew what they would ask of me. He thought of Samwell Tarly then, of Grenn and Dolorous Edd, of Pyp and Toad back at Castle Black. Had he lost them all, as he had lost Bran and Rickon and Robb? Who was he now? What was he? (69.Jon.101-102)

Jon thought he had this duty thing down: Be honorable, defeat your enemy, and follow orders. But orders have forced him to kill a fellow brother of the Night's Watch. How does that fit into the duty puzzle? Ugh.