Loyalty Quotes in A Dog's Purpose

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

I lay there quietly with my boy in the stillness of that spring afternoon, the house silent and empty. Soon the girl would be home, and, remembering how hard it had been for everyone to say good-bye to Bailey and Ellie and even the cats, I knew she would need my help to face life without the boy. As for me: I loyally remained right where I was, remembering the first time I had ever seen the boy and then just now, the very last time—and all the times in between. (32.47)

Here we see Buddy actually use the word "loyal." Loyalty means showing constant support, no matter what, and Buddy remains loyal to Ethan, his "boy," even when Ethan is an old man. Buddy realizes that loyalty extends even beyond Ethan's life: he must support Ethan's family, too. He knows Ethan would want that.