A Lesson Before Dying Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

How do people come up with a date and time to take life from another man? Who made them God? (20.61)

Who has the right to determine whether another person should live or die? For Grant, according to this quote, only God has that right. But this means that, in this society, the State, or the law, or the government—whatever you want to call it—has taken over for God.

Quote #8

"One day I'll bring flowers to the graveyard," she said. (26.113)

Vivian is angry with Grant for getting into a stupid fight and not walking away. She fears the consequences such reckless behavior will have for him if he continues to act like a wild maniac, because she loves him and will lose him if he isn't careful.

Quote #9

they got a moon out ther an I can see the leves on the tree but I aint gon see no mo leves after tomoro (29.27)

Here we get an inside look at exactly what Grant is thinking about his own mortality. He knows with certainty that he will be put to death the next day, so he has a perspective on nature and the world that most people don't have.