A Little Less Girl Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What about your grandma?"

"My mom was always fighting with her. She actually preferred me to go to the foster home because she was afraid Grammie would never send me back. She probably wouldn't have."

"Wouldn't you have rather gone to her though?"

"Part of me would have preferred it, but my mom still needed me. I was the grown-up."

"That would be tough."

She shrugged. "Life is never dull with my mom. But lately I think she's trying to grow up and I'm sad." She laughed. "I don't know if I'm ready for it." (31.61-66)

Poor Dani never did get to experience being a kid; she's been the one in charge from the beginning. Her mom has been so messed up over the years that Dani's been the one looking out for her instead of the other way around. Now that her mom is changing things up, Dani can, too.