A Little Less Girl Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Just so you know, James Riley has already asked me to the Homecoming Dance."

"Good for him," I said and turned to leave.

She scurried on her backless sandals to catch up to me. "Don't you think it will be awkward? After all, I'm sure to be voted queen and you're sure to be voted king. It seems like we should be going together."

I stopped and she slammed into my shoulder. "I will gladly abdicate my throne and give it to James. So don't lose any sleep over it." I left her standing in quad. How the hell was I going to make it through this entire year? (9.87-90)

Jake West is no fan of the status quo these days. We're going to bet that any other year he would have been looking forward to being named Homecoming King, but after Amy's death, this school stuff just doesn't seem to matter anymore.

Quote #5

"He was my first horse. I got him when I was seven. We used to compete in local rodeos together. Even won some. Now he spends his days out in this field munching grass."

"It's a nice life," I said, "for a horse, I mean." I shrugged. "I guess for a seven-year-old boy too. I mean what kid doesn't want his own horse." (14.8, 10)

Dani's right; Jake has had a pretty charmed life. Not only is he handsome and adored by everyone, but the kid grew up on a freaking horse farm—he has his own pony for goodness sake. Of course things are pretty different now, though. Jake's horse has grown up and so has he.

Quote #6

Jane Austen must have died of a broken heart when she realized romantic heroes like those in her stories do not exist in real life. And now, I know that too. You open up their shiny, beautiful packaging and all you find is a black heart. He "prefers a little less girl." Well, I've got news for you, Jake West. I prefer a lot more man.
There it was. I read it over and over, no self-pity or heartbreak, only a girl who'd realized she was too damn good for him. They were not the words of a girl who was ready to drive off a cliff. She was a girl ready to show Jake West what he'd missed out on. (18.11-12)

This is Amy's big realization. She's spent so much time obsessing over Jake but now she's finally realized that he's not the guy for her. It's time to close the books and start acting a little more grown up when it comes to love.