A Little Less Girl Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Blister rubbed his chin and grinned. "Are you ready? The first day of our last year." His eyes lifted as he considered it. "Has a nice ring to it."

I plowed my spoon into my cereal. "The last day of our last year sounds a helluva lot better." (22.3-4)

Sure, school can be rough, but this is a pretty big turn of events for Jake. He was the king of Raynesville High and now he can't wait to get out of town. Ugh.

Quote #2

Dermott and I had gotten along well in my first two years. But after Amy's suicide, he'd made it clear that I was to blame for her out of control dieting and downward spiral. He'd decided it was necessary to hire slick, preachy speakers to come and talk to the whole student body about saying hurtful things to each other. We'd had three assemblies last year alone. (5.56)

Amy's death is really the thing that makes the scales fall from Jake's eyes. He's always been worshipped by everyone (even his teachers) and now people just don't see him the same way. We don't blame him for wanting out of this town.

Quote #3

I turned back to the mirror. I was going to clean up my look. Not because the principal had told me to but because fitting in for a change didn't sound too bad. It was a dorky little town, and I planned to stay right here tucked safely within Grammie's walls. I wrapped my hair in a towel, threw on a t-shirt and shorts, and went to Amy's room. My room. (8.23)

Dani's always stood out because of her mom's problems, but here in Raynesville, she just wants to get along. No more goofy dress up—it's time to be a little more low-key and just be herself.