A Step from Heaven Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

The little boy is smiling so wide and open you can see his tongue. Why haven't I heard about Uhmma's brother? Or seen these photos? I vaguely remember a trip to visit Uhmma's parents, but their faces and the specifics of the visit are blurred and faint in my memory. I realize that a whole part of my history has been missing.

Uhmma, why have you not told us about your family? I ask. (30.20-21)

If you're looking for more proof that this book really isn't into patriarchal households, look no further than here. Uhmma never talks about her side of the family to the kids because—as we later find out—Apa never liked the fact that Uhmma came from a wealthier family. Talk about the oppression of the woman. You can't be more oppressed than Uhmma, who doesn't even dare to share her matrilineal origins until Apa is completely out of the picture.