All the Bright Places Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"There's a built-in ending to everything in the world, right? I mean, a hundred-watt lightbulb is designed to last seven hundred and fifty hours. The sun will die in about five billion years. We all have a shelf life." (20.45)

Finch talks about death as a natural phenomenon. And it's true: All things come to an end.

Quote #5

It takes strength to push myself up, because I need air by now, badly. The panic comes back, stronger this time, and then I aim myself for the surface. …I'm sorry, Violet. I won't leave you again. (32.37)

Finch makes at least two suicide attempts that we see before the final one, which we don't see. We know he fought to stay alive.

Quote #6

Note to self: Suicide is not a laughing matter, particularly for authority figures who are in any way responsible for you. (41.33)

Finch has a real sense of humor about his problems. It's partly a defense mechanism, but it's partly just his personality.