All the Bright Places Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I think of the mud nest we made for the cardinal, all those years ago, and wonder if it's still there. I imagine his little bones in his little grave, and it is the saddest thought in the world. (43.2)

One time, in Finch's childhood, a bird died. He has a real hangup about this event. We probably hear this story half a dozen times.

Quote #8

I push my limbs through the doors of the emergency room and say to the first person I see, "I swallowed pills and can't get them out of me. Get them out of me." (43.18)

This is Finch's second suicide attempt. Why does he change his mind at the last minute?

Quote #9

This isn't a nature class, but a support group for teens who are thinking about, or have attempted, or have survived, suicide. I found it on the internet. (44.1)

Finch goes to a suicide support group that's supposed to be uplifting, but it leaves him feeling more depressed than ever. He didn't like the cookies, for one thing.