American Pastoral Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And then one day everything Catholic came down off the wall for good. (3.133)

Dawn's mother is a devout Catholic. Merry becomes fascinated with Catholicism, but only briefly.

Quote #2

If she missed a self-immolation on the evening news, she got up early to see it on the morning news before school. (3.184)

Beginning in 1963, when Merry is eleven, Tibetan Buddhist monks lit themselves on fire in protest. This is an example of a political protest from a religious group.

Quote #3

Your daughter is divine. (5.2)

This is what Rita writes in the letter she sends to the Swede telling him where to find Merry. It makes Rita sound even crazier than before and takes the Swede's confusion to new heights. It helps show that there is almost as much religious confusion in the book as there is political confusion.