American Pastoral Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[…] men for whom the most serious thing in life is to keep going despite everything. And we were their sons. It was our job to love them. (1.12)

Zuckerman is signaling us that father-son relationships feature in the novel. He's also giving us a peak into the philosophy that's helped to shape the Swede, who does keep going despite everything.

Quote #2

"Two wives, that's my limit." (1. 96)

The Swede seems to toss this off casually to Zuckerman at Vincent's in 1995. When we learn about his life with Dawn, the first wife, they have a deeper resonance.

Quote #3

"I always knew he knew where she was. He'd been going to see her in hiding for years. I believe he saw her frequently." (3.71)

These lines near the beginning of American Pastoral are the way we know the Swede probably continues a relationship with Merry after Labor Day, 1973.