American Pastoral Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I figured that of all the forms of bulls***-nostalgia available this was the one least likely to be without unsettling surprises" (3.9)

Zuckerman goes to the high school reunion hoping for a blast from the past that will hopefully give him an idea for a new book. He doesn't come right out and say this, but we can read between the lines.

Quote #2

"You should have seen your face—you might well have told us he was Zeus. I saw just what you looked like as a boy." (1.35)

Zuckerman's friend makes this comment after they run into the Swede in 1985. This provides some verification that Zuckerman isn't just making up his idolization of the Swede.

Quote #3

[…] how had he become history's plaything? (3.118)

Because Merry's action was so extreme, it is part of history. It's recorded in the newspapers and in the files of the FBI. As her father, he doesn't make history himself, but is controlled by the historical events around him.