American Pastoral Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

He had just finished up his boot training […] when the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. (1.17)

The Swede joined the Marines after high school with the intention of fighting in World War II. The war ends, and the Swede didn't fight. The atomic bombs foreshadow Merry's bombing later in the book.

Quote #2

The war-crimes trials were cleansing the earth of its devils once and for all. Atomic powers were ours alone. (2.1)

We detect a hint of sarcasm in this snippet from Zuckerman's post-high school reunion speech. Notice the difference in the way Zuckerman and the Swede look at and talk about America.

Quote #3

"Good-bye, Americana; hello real time." (3.65)

Jerry is suggesting that before Merry drops the bomb, the Swede was living in an illusory fantasy that there is no war at home.