Annie John Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

What a new thing this was for me: my mother's back turned on me in disgust. (2.16)

Annie expresses her first reaction to her mother's telling her that she had to basically be a big girl now. This new thing turns her whole world upside down.

Quote #11

"The summer just past, I kept having a dream about my mother sitting on the rock. Over and over I would have the dream—only in it my mother never came back, and sometimes my father would join her. When he joined her, they would both sit tracing patterns on the rock, and it must have been amusing, for they would always make each other laugh." (3.13)

This is an example of Annie's storytelling abilities. In her autobiographical essay that she writes for her class, she expresses a fear of separation from mother via water.

Quote #12

When I got home, my mother came toward me arms outstretched, concern written on her face. My whole mouth filled up with a bitter taste, for I could not understand how she could be so beautiful even though I no longer loved her. (3.28)

This is the way Annie's mother greets her after Annie starts her period and faints in class. Annie is incapable of seeing her mother in the same light ever since she felt pushed away by her mom. Talk about growing pains.