Arrowsmith Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Martin's excitement cooled. It seemed to him that she clung too closely to her partners, that she followed their steps too eagerly. (7.3.15)

When Martin first takes Leora to a frat dance, his biggest concern is that no one will want to dance with her. But on the contrary, a bunch of guys want to dance with her, and before he knows it, Martin finds himself scowling with jealousy while Leora has a good time.

Quote #2

"I wasn't jealous—Yes, I was. Oh, I can't help it! I love you so much. I'd be one fine lover, now wouldn't I, if I never got jealous!" (7.3.19)

Martin tries to deny that he was jealous of Leora dancing with other guys, but he doesn't defend himself for long. He knows full well how jealous he was and he wishes he wasn't. But that's how our emotions work sometimes, especially when our pride is on the line. We don't always have a choice over what we feel… especially in matters of the heart.

Quote #3

"Well, if you want to know, Martin Arrowsmith, I'll have no more of these high jinks with that Orchid girl!" (19.4.39)

It's Leora's turn to be jealous when she notices Martin getting a little too chummy with a teenage girl named Orchid. She's not going to stomp around and kick Martin out of the house, but she's definitely going to tell him to knock it off. One of the things that Martin loves about Leora is that she clings to him so jealously.