Arrowsmith Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[They] rarely went beyond too much lager in the adjacent city of Zenith, or the smiles of a factory girl parading the sordid back avenues, but to Martin, with his pride in taut strength, his joy in a clear brain, they afterward seemed tragic. (3.3.1)

When he first starts drinking, Martin doesn't know what to think of himself. He has a lot of pride in his ability to think clearly, and getting drunk undermines this pride in a way that usually ends up making him sad.

Quote #2

Thrice Martin hoped and desponded, and now all his pride was gone. If Leora could be happy—(7.3.10)

Martin brings Leora to a fraternity dance in the hope that the young man there will find her pretty and want to dance with her. But as the evening creeps along, more and more men pass her by, and every time they do, it's a blow to Martin's pride.

Quote #3

Yet the ambulance work outside the hospital was endlessly stimulating to his pride. (11.2.2)

Martin's pride is often hurt inside the hospital, where senior doctors tell him what to do and criticize his mistakes. But whenever he goes out with an ambulance on his own, he feels super proud because everyone looks to him for leadership. And truth be told, he's usually pretty awesome at his job.