Arrowsmith Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Sure. You bet," Martin agreed with alcoholic fondness. (3.3.3)

Martin finds himself really agreeable whenever he's drunk around his buddy Clif. Some folks like to argue when they're drunk. But with Clif, Martin likes to agree, even when Clif says stuff Martin doesn't agree with.

Quote #2

When he had left Gottlieb at his stupid brown little house, his face as reticent as though the midnight supper and all the rambling talk had never happened, Martin ran home altogether drunk. (4.4.13)

Martin has a lot of respect and admiration for Max Gottlieb. But sometimes he is reminded of how pathetic Gottlieb's life could look from the outside. Gottlieb has the intelligence to do whatever he wants in life. But he chooses to live in a tiny brown house and to spend all his time in a lab. Some would say that Gottlieb's a bit of a loser, and Martin feels the need to get drunk whenever he feels this thought coming on.

Quote #3

After vacation, in late January, he found that whisky relieved him from the frenzy of work, from the terror of loneliness—then betrayed him and left him the more weary, the more lonely. (8.3.7)

Martin often finds medical school really lonely. After all, the guy has no living family and his girlfriend isn't around. Plus he doesn't always see eye-to-eye with his classmates, so he tends to get drunk to fight off his feelings of loneliness. The sad thing is that all this ever does is make him feel lonelier.