Arrowsmith Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #1

[Madeline] was the person who understood him! Here, where every one snatched at her and Dr. Brumfit beamed on her with almost matrimonial fondness, she was precious, she was something he must have. (5.2.7)

It's hard to tell whether Martin loves Madeline as a person or as a possession. It might even be both, but there's no denying that he's more attracted to her when other men are hitting on her.

Quote #2

"Darling! I almost feel as if I dared to love you. You're going to marry me and—Take me a couple more years to finish my medical course and couple in the hospital, then we'll be married." (5.5.15)

Notice here that this is the closest Martin ever comes to telling Madeline he loves her. But the thing is that he never does. He only says that he almost feels as if he dares to love her, which isn't the same thing. From the get go, you can sense that things aren't ideal for Martin and Madeline to be together forever.

Quote #3

The returning train was torturingly slow, and he dismounted at Mohalis fevered with visions of [Madeline]. (6.1.6)

Martin might love him some good science, but he also gets really lonely when he doesn't have any female companionship in his life. That's why he finds the train ride way too slow when he's on his way back to Madeline after summer vacation.