The Bald Soprano Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Donald M. Allen's translation.

Quote #4

Mr. Martin: "Excuse me, madam, but it seems to me, unless I'm mistaken, that I've met you somewhere before."
Mrs. Martin: "I, too, sir. It seems to me that I've met you somewhere before." (87-88)

This takes the cake. The Martins' memories are so bad they don't even remember each other. And they're married! It takes them several minutes of conversation until they figure out that they live in the same house and sleep even sleep in the same bed.

Quote #5

Mr. Martin: "Elizabeth, I have found you again!"
Mrs. Martin: "Donald, it's you, darling!" (137-138)

Awww, that's nice. The Martins are reunited at last. Wait a minute, didn't they just come into the room together? With the Martins, Ionesco takes this theme of memory loss to an absurd level.

Quote #6

Mary: "Elizabeth is not Elizabeth, Donald is not Donald." (139)

Hmm, if Mary is right, then the Martins may have a very good reason for not remembering each other. The maid seems to think that they are different people than who they think they are. Perhaps, their memories are even worse than we originally feared.