The Bald Soprano Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue. We used Donald M. Allen's translation.

Quote #7

Mr. Martin: "I believe that our friends' maid is going crazy…she wants to tell a story, too." (421)

Mr. Martin and everybody else is totally offended by the idea that a maid might want to join in on their storytelling. This moment highlights the stark societal divides that often exist between middle class and working class people. The fact that all Mary wants to do is tell a story makes these divides seem even more absurd.

Quote #8

Fire Chief: "Who does she [Mary] think she is? [He looks at her.] Oh! […] But it is she! Incredible!" (422-426)

At first, the Fire Chief is just as snobby as the Smiths and Martins about the maid telling a story. Then he discovers that the maid is his long lost love, Mary. It's interesting how love can often transcend class divides.

Quote #9

Stage Direction: [Mary throws herself on the neck of the Fire Chief.]
Mary: "I'm so glad to see you again…at last!" […]
Mr. Smith: "This is too much, here, in our home, in the suburbs of London."
Mrs. Smith: "It's not proper!" (431-435)

The Smiths' stodgy middle-class ideals are totally challenged by Mary and Fire Chief's display of affection – or any displays of affection for that matter. The fact that Mary and the Fire Chief's love crosses class boundaries makes it all the more offensive to the Smiths.