Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories Compassion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Story.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The people would have helped her if they had known how, as people in this town will as often as not be kindly if they have a chance. (Ballad.227)

It takes a special knowledge to know how to take care of someone. Does Miss Amelia's lack of vulnerability doom her to a life of isolation?

Quote #8

Now all this wise doctoring was over. She told one-half of her patients that they were going to die outright, and to the remaining half she recommended cures so far-fetched and agonizing that no one in his right mind would consider them for a moment. (Ballad.227)

Now that Amelia has lost her love, she no longer has an emotional capacity to "take care."

Quote #9

What he must do, he told himself, was to regard the whole situation impersonally and look on Madame Zilensky as a doctor looks on a sick patient. (Madame.33)

Why does Mr. Brook take up this charge?