Bartholomew and the Oobleck Paragraphs 116-127 Summary

Sorry Time

  • Alright, we take back those things we said about the King coming around.
  • He starts the passage off by doing everything he can to remind Bartholomew of his place within the power structure. He calls him "boy," bellows, and lets him know that he's the mightiest king in the world, thankyouverymuch.
  • Once again, we see the inability of rulers (and the toddler this guy represents) to look inward and see themselves for what they really are. Remind you of anyone?
  • But our Bartholomew has grown up over the course of this story, and he's not going to take guff from this guy. He knows the difference between right and wrong, and he's going to stick up for it.
  • He's going to make the King apologize.
  • And in the face of such moral truth, the King has no choice but to break down and apologize.
  • Well-played, Bartholomew Cubbins. Well-played.