Bartholomew and the Oobleck Paragraphs 2-3 Summary


  • Oh boy. And so the royal theatrics begin. The King isn't happy with "his" sky (he must have bought the domain before the dot com bubble). Clearly, the sky has no clue who the boss is around these here ramparts, and the king is determined to peer it into submission through one end of a telescope.
  • Check out this line for a moment: "Bartholomew had seen the King get angry many, many times before." Why do you think Seuss uses repetition here? To show us the guy's a repeat offender, that this is one big problem. Plus, since we're getting this somewhat through Bartholomew's eyes, we see a little bit of his frustration. And well-deserved it is. We here at Shmoop would not let that King sit next to us at lunch, not even if he promised to share his fruit roll-ups.