Family Quotes in Beautiful Creatures

How we cite our quotes: (Date.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Everyone decided it would be too hard for parents to turn their backs on their children if they went Dark." (10.09[2].118)

Shmoop thinks a true family would still love you even if you turned into a crazy, evil person.

Quote #5

"My uncle is risking his life to protect me. He's always been there for me. He took me in when he knew I might turn into a monster in a few months." (10.10.63)

Lena may not have a mother or father to protect her, but Uncle Macon seems to be the next best thing.

Quote #6

I was angry at Amma, angrier than I'd ever been at her in my whole life, but I still loved her. [...] Amma was the only one who looked out for me, who cared or even noticed if I skipped school or lost a game. (10.10.68)

Amma serves as both Ethan's mom and dad, more or less. Ever since Ethan's mom died in a car accident, his dad has been totally absent. Amma is the only responsible adult in his life. Even if she rubs him (and us) the wrong way sometimes, we can't help but love her.